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Pearl Jam - Upper Hand - Testi - TrovaCd
Pearl Jam - Dark Matter





19 aprile 2024

Hard Rock


Republic Records








in negozio


€ 22,90


6.  Upper Hand

[Verse 1]
The distance to the end
Is closer now than it's ever been
Road we traveled far
All the lights and sights we saw
No room left on the pages
We filled 'em up and painted some
Though the book it may never be read
Oh, by anyone, oh, anyone but me

And I hope the people are smiling
And I hope that today and every day is grand
Oh, I apologize, so sorry 'bout the timing
But you know, something that I never had was the upper hand

[Verse 2]
Lonely ship on the horizon
Silhouette fading out
Bright lights make for dark shadows
The lines once defined getting blurry now

And I hope the people are smiling
Oh, how I always wanted to be like one of them
Oh, I apologize, so sorry 'bout the timing
Oh, but you know, something that I never had was the upper hand

Upper hand

Help to carry me home
Help to carry me home
Oh, help to carry me home, eh
Carry me
Carry me home
Carry me home
Just need a few of you
A few of you
Oh, maybe just the two of you
Two of you

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